Absorbent Granules

Oil Absorbent Clay Granules

Designed to contain and soak up Oil spillages.

The Benefits

  • Absorbent Granules are Non-flammable and safe to use.
  • Absorbent Granules start to work immediately and will contain Oil discharges completely.
  • Absorbent Granules will soak up Oil, Blood, Grease, Solvents, Paints, Water and any other spillages.

Where to use

  • Absorbent Granules are recommended for use in all Industrial outlets i.e.- Mechanical engineering, Garages and Petrochemical installations.
  • Absorbent Granules are also used by Local councils, Fire brigades, Docks and Harbour authorities and Airports.

How to use

Absorbent Granules should be dispersed round the perimeter of the spillage. Allow substance to soak in. Collect in suitable containers and dispose of safely.

To remove any stains left by the spillage, a quality Solvent such as De-Grease should be used.

Absorbent Materials are also available in a variety of other formats. i.e.

  • Absorbent Granules (Fire retardant)
  • Absorbent Mats
  • Absorbent Rolls
  • Absorbent Socks

Full instructions are on the Containers.