Copper Slip

Non-Melting, Anti-Seize Compound

Designed to protect bolts and temporary fasteners against moisture and corrosion. 

The Benefits

  • Copper Slip contains large amounts of finely dispersed Copper powder.
  • Copper Slip prevents permanent seizure.
  • Copper Slip can be used in all climatic conditions.
  • Copper Slip will remain stable up to 850° C.
  • Copper Slip is extremely economical. The consistency ensures that the optimum amount of grease is applied to the bolt or fastener.
  • Copper Slip protects against salt water spray.

Where to use

  • Copper Slip can be used in all situations that demand a high temperature, weather proof, anti-corrosive, quality grease.   
  • Copper Slip is recommended for use in Shipyards, Building companies, Petrochemical plants, Road transport, Garages, Local councils, Engineering works, Docks and Harbour authorities plus Rail and Aircraft maintenance corporations.

How to use

Copper Slip is easy to use. Simply spray or brush on to the part  to be protected and allow to set.

Full instructions are on the Tin.