Stripol LF
Low Foam Ink Remover, Floor Polish Stripper and Polyelectrolyte Remover.
Specially formulated to remove water based inks, polish, paint, oil, grease and wax build up and Clean polyelectrolytes from Water Authority Machinery.
The Benefits
- Stripol LF is sure, safe and effective.
- Stripol LF cuts cleaning & stripping time by half.
- Stripol LF dilutes 10-1 with hot water making it very economical.
- Stripol LF can be used as a general cleaner at low dilution.
Where to use
- Stripol LF is highly recommended for use in the Water Industry for cleaning polyelectrolytes from the machinery and the Floors, walls and other surfaces.
- Stripol LF is extremely effective for the removal of water based inks used in the cardboard carton printing industry.
- Stripol LF is also recommended for use in Offices, Warehouses, Dance halls, Clubs, Hospitals, Leisure Centres, Indoor Sports Arenas and anywhere that polished floors need to be cleaned
prior to re-polishing.
How to use
Stripol LF is very easy to use. Simply dilute 10-1 with hot water. Allow to soak for 5 – 10 minutes. Scrub, and rinse off with water.
Full instructions are on the Container.